Blue Oyster Cult

A Fact About Sneakers

Blue Oyster Cult

chords Intermediate intermediate


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A Fact About Sneakers

	  		Verso 1 

D       F           C      E 
Hey hey hey there's just a deeljay 
   C#  D     Bm            D F C E C# D Bm 
An engineer, with no say 
Bm         C#  D     C#     D    F 
Why's that all there is, oh why? 

A# C Cause with a shoe, shine boy A# C In the radio booth. A# C Get shoe shined, hey hey hey A# C While you hear spooky tooth
Solo Dm F Gm F Gm F Gm F Gm F Gm F Gm F Gm Verso 2 Dm E F If you're in there too F E F D That's not hard to do F E F D That s not hard to do F E F D That's not hard, to do F E F That' s not hard to Verso 1 D F C E Day by day there's no hay C# D Bm D F C E C# D Bm Shining' shoes the old way Bm C# D C# D F Polish made of oily stud pie
A# C But with a shoe shine girl A# C In a shoe shining kit A# C Get shoe shine, hey hey man A# C While you're watching some tit
Solo Dm Verso 2 Dm E F If he gets the chance F E F D Guy will shine your pants F E F D He will shine your pants F E F Guy might shine your Outro D F C E Pants above the knee are knickers C# D Bm Many worn by football kickers D F C E Accompanied by pairs of sneakers C# D Bm Nil from any standpoint of the shoe D F C E C# D Bm Shine boy

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