
Skinny Love


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Skinny Love

Written by Justin Deyarmond Edison Vernon

Intro: C#m  A  E (2x)  

C#m             A                   E  
Come on skinny love just last the year  
C#m             A                   E  
Pour a little salt we were never here  
        C#m        A                     E  
My my my - my my my - my my my my - my my ...  
                F#m                        C#m  
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer  

C#m        A                E  
I tell my love to wreck it all  
C#m              A                E  
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall  	  
        C#m        A                     E  
My my my - my my my - my my my my - my my ...  
             F#m                 C#m  
Right in the moment this order's tall  

  E                        Abm            C#m	  
I told you to be patient I told you to be fine  
  E                        Abm            C#m	  
I told you to be balanced I told you to be kind  
In the morning I'll be with you  
            Abm            C#m	  
But it will be a different kind  
I'll be holding all the tickets  
               Abm            C#m	  
And you'll be owning all the fines  

C#m            A                  E  
Come on skinny love what happened here  
C#m            A                  E  
Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere  
        C#m        A                  E  
My my my - my my my - my my my - my my ...  
        F#m                         C#m   
Sullen load is full so slow on the split  

   E                        Abm            C#m	  
I told you to be patient I told you to be fine  
   E                        Abm            C#m	  
I told you to be balanced I told you to be kind  
     E                           Abm             C#m	  
Now all your love is wasted then who the hell was I?  
Cause now I'm breaking at the britches  
           Abm              C#m	  
And at the end of all your lines  

E                  Abm       C#m	  
Who will love you? who will fight?  
E                  Abm    C#m  
And who will fall, far behind?  

C#m             A            E   (C#m  A  E)  
Come on skinny love ........  
        C#m        A                     E  
My my my - my my my - my my my - my my ... (x2)  

C#m  A  E (2x)   


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