Billy Joe Shaver

Honky Tonk Heroes

Billy Joe Shaver


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Honky Tonk Heroes

Written by Billy Joe Shaver

	  		D                                                         G 
Low down leaving sun, I've done did everything that needs done 
G          D                  E7                           A 
Woe is me, why can't I see, I best be leaving well enough alone 
Them neon light nights, couldn't stay out of fights 
                D7          G 
Keep a-haunting me and memories 
         G                       D           
There is one in every crowd, for crying out loud 
E7                        A 
Why was it always turning out be me 
D Where does it go, the good Lord only knows D D7 G It seems like it was just the other day G D I was down at Green Gables, hawking them tables E7 A And generally blowing all my hard earned pay D Piano rolled blues, I danced holes in my boots D D7 G There weren't another other way to be G D E7 For loveable losers, and no account boozers G A D And honky tonk heroes like me
Solo D Piano rolled blues, I danced holes in my boots D D7 G There weren't another other way to be G D E7 For loveable losers, and no account boozers G A D And honky tonk heroes like me

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