Belle and Sebastian

Sister Buddha

Belle and Sebastian

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Sister Buddha

	  		Intro: G... 
G G C C G G D D C C G G 

Verse 1:

G Em Sister Buddha takes the all-night bus G Em Sister Buddha looking for the thing that makes her buzz C D Sister Buddha wakes up far from home And all she knows G C D There's an itch that she's dying to scratch G Her face, her clothes, her skin


D G You step across the lonely threshold of your selfish mind D G And embrace the loving goodness of your humankind
G And if God won't show her face C Fall upon your inner soul's embrace G D G And I'll send you all the love that I can find
intro G G C C G G D D C C G G

Verse 2:

G Em Sister Buddha checking out the scene G Em Sister Buddha works the catwalk, serves the coffee bean C D Sister Buddha ran the streets with all the usual boys G C D G But there has to be more than the thrills that fills the circus ring


D G Step across the lonely threshold of your selfish mind D G And embrace the wayward goodness of your humankind
G And if God won't show her face C Fall upon your lonely soul's embrace G D G And I'll send you all the prayers that I can find G And if God won't show her face C Fall upon your loving soul's embrace G D G And I'll send you all the love that I can find

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