Belle and Sebastian

A Summer Wasting

Belle and Sebastian

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A Summer Wasting

Written by Belle And Sebastian

Summer in winter 
Winter in springtime 
You heard the birds sing 
Everything will be fine 

Bm          E 
I spent the summer wasting 
Bm           E               A 
The time was passed so easily 
Bm         E 
But if the summer's wasted 
Bm            E               A 
How come that I could feel so free 
Bm          E 
I spent the summer wasting 
Bm          E              A 
The sky was blue beyond compare 
Bm     E 
A photograph of myself 
Bm       E 
Is all I have to show for 

A              D 
Seven years of river walkways 
A              D              Bm 
Seven weeks of staying up all night 

Bm          E 
I spent the summer wasting 
Bm           E                 A 
The time was passed so pleasantly 
Bm        E 
Say cheerio to books now 
Bm       E                    A 
The only things I'll read are faces 
Bm          E 
I spent the summer wasting 
Bm      E 
Under a canopy of 

A              D 
Seven weeks of reading papers 
A             D 
Seven weeks of river walkways 
A              D 
Seven weeks of feeling guilty 
A              D 
Seven weeks of staying up all night 

Summer in winter 
Winter is springtime 
You heard the bird say 
Everything will be fine 

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