
Moon on the water


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Moon on the water

Intro: E A9 
E              A9  
Full moon sways... 
C#m           B                    A9 
Gently in the night of one fine day.  
E           A9 
On my way...  
  C#m                 B              A9     
Looking for a moment with my dear.  
E                A9  
Full moon waves.  
C#m              B               A9 
Slowly on the surface of the lake.  
E             A9 
You were there...  
C#m                 B                     A9 
Smilling in my arms for all those years.  
What a fool...  
   A9                     E                              
I don't know 'bout tomorrow...  
B               F#m 
What it's like to be.  
I was sure,  
 A9                     E 
Couldn't let myself to go.  
B              F#m 
Even though I feel...  
The end.  
E            A9 
Old love affair...  
C#m               B                    A9 
Floating like a bird resting her wings.  
E              A9 
You were there...  
C#m                B                     A9 
Smiling in my arms for all those years.  
What a fool...  
 A9                        E
I don't know 'bout tomorrow...  
B            F#m
What it's like to be.  
I was sure,  
 A9                     E 
couldn't let myself to go.  
B                F#m 
Even though I feel...  
The end.  
 E                  A9  
Full moon sways...  
C#m           B                     A9 
Gently in the night of one fine day.  
 E               A9 
You are there.  
C#m                 B                    A9 
Smiling in my arms for all thoses years... 
Posted by [email protected]

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