Andy Park

Glory And Praise

Andy Park

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by  2U4UBYU

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Glory And Praise

1: E E/D D2 A2 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain. E E/D D2 A2 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain E Who was slain. E E/D D2 A2 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, B who was slain,
Verse 1: E D2 To receive power and wealth, A2 E To receive wisdom and strength. E E/D D To receive honor and glo - ry. A2 E To receive glory and praise.
2: E E/D D2 Now to Him who sits on the throne A2 E And to the Lamb, who was slain. E E/D D2 Now be praise and honor and glo - ry A2 B And power for ever, and power for - ever
Verse 2: Worthy of power and wealth, Worthy of wisdom and strength, Worthy of honor and glory, Worthy of glory and praise. Verse 3: To the Lamb be power and wealth. To the Lamb be wisdom and strength, To the Lamb be honor and glory . To the Lamb be glory and praise. ©1990 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Music Services) All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

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