Allen Stone


Allen Stone

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Intro:  Em7      A9        Cmaj7/A       G7     F#11   (2X) 

verse 1: 
Em7                   A9 
I've been giving you love,    
Cmaj7/A                G7       F#11 
You've been giving me pain and sorrow, 
Em7                   A9 
I've been giving you love, 
Cmja7A                G7         F#11 
And I was hoping your love would follow, 

PRE Chorus 1: 

      Cmaj7/A        Bm11 
But now         it    seems, 
I'm just another quarter in your offering 
Cmaj7/A      Bm11 
Now       it    seems, 
I'm just a victim in your schemes 

Em7 So, what's it gonna take? A9 Cmaj7/A How many hearts you gonna break, G7 F#11 'Fore you find satis - faction? Em7 You're like a snake, A9 Let me eat your fruit, Cmaj7/A And then you shoot, shoot, G7 F#11 Till you find satis - faction,
Cmaj7/A Bm11 Em7 Sa - tis - fac - tion, Cmaj7/A Bm11 *F#11 Sa - tis - fac - tion, verse 2: Em7 A9 I've been giving you love, Cmaj7/A G7 F#11 You've been giving me nothing but excuses, Em7 A9 I've been giving you love, Cmaj7/A G7 F#11 And you've been giving me conjugal visits, PRE Chorus 1: Cmaj7/A Bm11 But now it seems, Em7 I'm just another quarter in your offering Cmaj7/A Bm11 Now it seems, *F#11 I'm just a victim in your schemes
Em7 So, what's it gonna take? A9 Cmaj7/A How many hearts you gonna break, G7 F#11 'Fore you find satis - faction? Em7 You're like a snake, A9 Let me eat your fruit, Cmaj7/A And then you shoot, shoot, G7 F#11 Till you find satis - faction,
Cmaj7/A Bm11 Em7 Sa - tis - fac - tion, Cmaj7/A Bm11 *F#11 Sa - tis - fac - tion, PRE Chorus 3: Cmaj7/A Bm11 But now it seems, Em7 I'm just another quarter in your offering Cmaj7/A Bm11 Now it seems, *F#11 I'm just a victim in your schemes
Em7 So, what's it gonna take? A9 Cmaj7/A How many hearts you gonna break, G7 F#11 'Fore you find satis - faction? Em7 You're like a snake, A9 Let me eat your fruit, Cmaj7/A And then you shoot, shoot, G7 F#11 Till you find satis - faction, Em7 What's it gonna take? A9 Cmaj7/A How many hearts you gonna break, G7 F#11 'Fore you find satis - faction? Em7 You're like a snake, A9 Let me eat your fruit, Cmaj7/A And then you shoot, shoot, G7 F#11 Till you find satis - faction,
Cmaj7/A Bm11 Em7 Sa - tis - fac - tion, Cmaj7/A Bm11 *F#11 Sa - tis - fac - tion, END PLEASE RATE!

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