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Key:  Am More
Russia Key EmEm
Russia Key FmFm
Russia Key F#mF#m
Russia Key GmGm(one step down)
Russia Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Russia Key AmAm(original key)
Russia Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Russia Key BmBm(one step up)
Russia Key CmCm
Russia Key C#mC#m
Russia Key DmDm
Russia Key D#mD#m

Verse 1:

Am Am I visited Russia Em And I started folding F Until in one precious C Doll I had hoarded G All of Siberia F I said, "Love, here ya Am go"
C G N.C. Am She said, "Too little too late"

Verse 2:

Am Am A trip to the Nile Em Where I started swimming F Until I finally C Found the spring brimming G With God's purest water F From Abba the Father F To heal Am her
C G N.C. Am She said, "Too little too late."

Verse 3:

Am Am I sailed to Komodo Em I fought with the dragons F And when it was over C Their tails were wagging G I taught them tricks F Said, "Sit, dragon, sit" Am Oh
C G N.C. Am She said, "Too little too late"

Verse 4:

Am Am I rode into China Em I studied the Wall F And I leapt it seven times C Which caused it to fall G It spilled out our fortune F I found exortion F Well, here ya Am go
C G N.C. Am She said, "Too little too late." C G N.C. Am She said, "Too little too late." Am

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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