Abbey Glover

Got No Love To Give

Abbey Glover

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Got No Love To Give

D G D G 

verse 1 
      D                                     G 
I've got cigarettes if you want them and a nice bottle of wine at mine 
I've got lovely places I could show you 
And I've sure got lots of time 
I can share my stories with you 
You can share yours with me 
But I've got no no no 
But I've got no no 
I've got no love to give 

Chorus Em Maybe I was mean G Maybe I was wrong D G Maybe I shouldn't of, I shouldn't of I should't of lead you on Em G Made you believe that I was the one D G Well you should of ran when I told you to run Em When I told you to run G D When I told you to run, run, run
verse 2 D G I can lend you a hand when you need me too D Em G If you're in trouble I can always help you D G I can give you my advice and give you my knowledge too Em But I've got no no no G But I've got no no D I've got no love to give
Chorus Em Maybe I was mean G Maybe I was wrong D G Maybe I shouldn't of, I shouldn't of I should't of lead you on Em G Made you believe that I was the one D G Well you should of ran when I told you to run Em When I told you to run G D When I told you to run, run, run run Em Maybe I was mean G Maybe I was wrong D G Maybe I shouldn't of, I shouldn't of I should't of lead you on Em G Made you believe that I was the one D G Well you should of ran when I told you to run Em When I told you to run G D When I told you to run, run, run
Em G D D Em G D (Some Melodic 'Ooooooh's)

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