A Fine Frenzy


A Fine Frenzy

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Written by Alison Loren Sudol

Key:  Dm More
Elements Key AmAm
Elements Key A#mA#m
Elements Key BmBm
Elements Key CmCm(one step down)
Elements Key C#mC#m(half step down)
Elements Key DmDm(original key)
Elements Key D#mD#m(half step up)
Elements Key EmEm(one step up)
Elements Key FmFm
Elements Key F#mF#m
Elements Key GmGm
Elements Key G#mG#m
(Intro) Dm  C  

      Dm            C              Dm              C 
You show up like a hurricane, all hungry-eyed and weather-stained 
      Dm              C            F 
The clock forgets to tick and I the same 
I died the day you disappeared, so why would you be welcome here? 
Ride the wind that brought you back away 

       Bb        F     Dm 
No you can't come in 
       Bb        F 
No you can't come in 

( Dm  C ) 
I cannot stop my rebel hands from pulling out the pots and pans 
I left you in the cold until you shook 

You're gentle now, but I recall both tender fire and bitter squall 
A history so deep it hurts to look 

       Bb        F    Dm 
No you can't come in 
       Bb        F 
No you can't come in 
No you can't 
     Gm        F 
You can't come in 

If the sea should swallow up my house 
I will turn my rooftop inside out 
and the wind will be wailing 
But I will be sailing faster 

Oh the elements I do not fear 
but I fall apart when you appear 
Cos you are the greatest 
The greatest disaster 

( F C Gm Bb ) (2x) 
If the sea should swallow up my house 
I will turn my rooftop inside out 
and the wind will be wailing 
But I will be sailing faster 

( F ) 

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