They Might Be Giants

Can't Keep Johnny Down

They Might Be Giants

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Can't Keep Johnny Down

Written by They Might Be Giants

Intro: G D C (2x) 

G D C                    G D 
Outnumbered a million to one 
C                   G    D    C 
All of the dicks in this dick town 
           G   D  C 
Can't keep Johnny down 
G D C                        G D 
M-e-n piled up in a towering mound 
C                     G     D C 
None of them once has found a way 
        G  D   C 
To keep Johnny down 

A                  Em 
Spending days by myself 

Remembering slights 
          A           B 
I'm not a monument to justice 
Plus which I don't forget a face 

         G   D 
And they can't (down, down, down) 
C                 G  D 
Can't keep Johnny down (down, down, down) 
C                          G D 
They haven't yet built the man (down, down, down) 
C                         G  D C 
That will keep old Johnny down (down, down, down) 

Em A C D G C A D 

     G  D 
Some dude 
        C                 G  D 
Hitting golf balls on the moon 
C               G   D 
Bathroom in his pants 
       C                       G D C 
And he thinks he's better than m-e 
    G D        C                G  D 
I'm pointing a finger at my own face 
     C                    G 
They can't know what's in here 
D   C               G   D  C 
And they can't keep Johnny down 

  Beneath my dignity 
To flip off the guy 
        A             B 
When he pulls up alongside 
To say my gas cap is unscrewed 

         G   D 
And they can't (down, down, down) 
C                 G  D 
Can't keep Johnny down (down, down, down) 
C                          G D 
They haven't yet built the man (down, down, down) 
C                         G  D C 
That will keep old Johnny down (down, down, down) 

   G   D 
And they don't (down, down, down) 
C                    G  D 
Don't know what I've seen (down, down, down) 
C                    G  D 
Can't know what's in here (down, down, down) 
C                          G  D C 
And they can't keep Johnny down (down, down, down) 

Em A C D G C A D 

G D C Am G 

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