The National

Carin At The Liquor Store

The National

cavaco Easy easy


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Carin At The Liquor Store

Written by Matt Berninger/Carin Besser/Aaron Dessner/Bryce Dessner


C             G 
I was a worm, I was a creature 
  D                     C 
I get on the ground the second I'd see you 
    C          G        D 
You cannot command your love 
  C                 G 
I wasn't a catch, I wasn't a keeper 
      D                                 C 
I was walking around like I was the one who found dead John Cheever 
C  G       D 
   Hand in glove 

   Em/B        C 
So blame it on me 
  G                D 
I really don't care 
       Em/B        C       G  D 
It's a foregone conclusion 

  C                       G 
I see you in stations and on invitations 
      D                     C 
You'd fall into rivers with friends on the weekends 
C        G       D 
Innocent skies above 
  C                          G 
Carin at the liquor store, I can't wait to see you 
    D                                 C 
I'm walking around like I was the one who found dead John Cheever 
C        G        D 
  In the house of love 

   Em/B        C 
So blame it on me 
  G                D 
I really don't care 
       Em/B        C       G  D 
It's a foregone conclusion 

   Em/B             C 
It wasn't so bad, I wasn't that sick 
    G                D 
Got taken by love, I wasn't that quick 
Em/B        C       G  D 
Foregone conclusion 

     Em/B               C 
It's gonna be different after tonight 
       G              D 
You're gonna see me in a different light 
       Em/B        C       G  D 
It's a foregone conclusion 

Solo C  G  D  C 
       C  G  D 
       C  G  D  C 
       C  G  D 

   C           Em 
So blame it on me 
  G                D 
I really don't care 
       C           Em      D 
It's a foregone conclusion 

    C       Em 
I'm already seeing 
G               D 
Stars in the air 
       C           Em      D 
It's a foregone conclusion 

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