The Avett Brothers

Pretty Girl From Raleigh

The Avett Brothers

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Pretty Girl From Raleigh


G/B Cadd9 G/F#  G  Cadd9  G/B  G/A  G 

G  G/B  Cadd9  G/B  Cadd9 G/F# G  (2x) 

C        D        G 
Who sold you this anger 
C    D               G 
I suspect it was your friends 
C      D     G   Em 
Or was it a stranger 
C               D              G 
Convincing you that this was the end-nd-nd 

G/B Cadd9 G/F#  G  Cadd9  G/B  G/A  G 
G  G/B  Cadd9  G/B  Cadd9 G/F# G 


And I would like to thank you 
For coming round and doing this 
My nights have been pretty painful 
Losing that pain was always the trick 

G/B Cadd9 G/F#  G  Cadd9  G/B  G/A  G 
G  G/B  Cadd9  G/B  Cadd9 G/F# G 

You always said that I was lying 
That I was just a selfish man 
But I all ready gave it all away 
So you can let go of my selfish hand 

G  G/B  Cadd9  G/B  Cadd9 G/F# G 

So bye bye bye bye bye 
I ain't got time to watch you cry 
Cause I've been drinking seven hours now 
Sympathy is a waste of my high 

G  G/B  Cadd9  G/B  Cadd9 G/F# G 

And I would like to say it hurts me (but it don't) 
That I don't know just what to do (but I do) 
But it don't hurt when you're just killing time 
I was killing time and I think that you knew 

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