Righteous Brothers

Go Ahead And Cry

Righteous Brothers

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Go Ahead And Cry


 F        Gm7      F     Gm7 Gb   A Dm   Em7 
(Love can change a young boy into a man..but a  
 Em     A     G   Gm7    C Gm7 Cm   Bb 
 broken heart can change a man back into a  
 Gm7 Db F     Gb 
 boy a--gain.) 

F              Gm7          C 
You're not the first man to cry, when things  
have gone wrong. 
C           Gm7                Bb F 
You're only human, you're only so strong. 

C Dm F (It takes one) little tear to knock a big man down. Dm F (It takes one) broken heart to keep him down on the ground. Gm7 Am Bb It takes three little words, to make him stand again. C (Stand up again.) F Bb F Bb So, go and cry-y-y-y, go ahead and cry-y-y-y, go Db Eb Ab F ahead and cryyyyyyyy..cry.
#2. Gm7 C F Love is so easy to play, but so hard to win. Gm7 Bb You're still but a young man, your heart will love F again.
C Dm F (It takes one) little kiss from her sweet tender lips. Dm F (It takes one) gentle touch from her soft fingertips. Gm7 Am Bb It takes more than one tear to mend a broken heart. C (A broken heart.)
OUTRO: F C Bb C F C Bb Db Eb Go cry-y-y-y, go ahead and cry-y-y-y..go ahead and cryyyyyy. F F C Bb Cry..(go ahead, go ahead, go ahead and cry-y-y-y-y.) F C Bb I want you to get down on your knees and (cryyyyyyyyy) F C Bb kneel down, baby, and cryyyyyyy. Bb F C Bb When you're feelin' blue I want you to (cryyyyyyyyy) don't be Bb F C Bb ashamed to (cryyyyyyyyy)..(Fade.) A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.

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