Patsy Cline

Turn The Cards Slowly

Patsy Cline


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Turn The Cards Slowly

Written by Sammy Masters

Turn the cards slowly while you're dealin', darlin', 
Please don't double-deal to win my heart. 
Turn the cards slowly while you're dealin', darlin', 
                 D                    G 
Don't go breakin rules right from the start. 
C                                      G 
The ramblin, gamblin, reckless way you treat my heart's a sin, 
     C                                  G                  D 
Each night down on my knees I pray your gamblin' ways will end. 
Turn the cards slowly while you're dealin', darlin', 
                     D                    G 
And if you stack the deck, then I'll move on. 
Now, turn the cards slowly while you're dealin', darlin', 
Please don't double-deal to win my heart. 
Turn the cards slowly while you're dealin', darlin', 
                 D                    G 
Don't go breakin rules right from the start. 
C                                      G 
The ramblin, gamblin, reckless way you treat my heart's a sin, 
     C                                  G                  D 
Each night down on my knees I pray your gamblin' ways will end. 
Turn the cards slowly while you're dealin', darlin', 
                     D                    G 
And if you stack the deck, then I'll move on. 
Turn the cards slowly while you're dealin', darlin', 
                 D                    G 
Don't go breakin rules right from the start. 
Tabbed by Joe Wallace,  

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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