
Whatever Happens I Love You


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Whatever Happens I Love You

Written by Steven Morrissey/Alain Whyte

F#m G# D 
F#m G# D 

G              D 
Names, secret names 
      F#         Bm 
But never in my favour 
         G                Gm 
But when all is said and done 
             D    D E 
It's you I love 

F#m G# D 
F#m G# D 
F#m G# D 
G G D F#m 

G              D 
Cold loving prose 
      F#              Bm 
We stole each other's clothes 
         G                Gm 
But when all is said and done 
It's you I love 

D E F#m G# D Yes, yes, yes, oh, yes... F#m G# D (oh yes yes yes yes yes) F#m G# D (oh yes yes yes yes yes) G G D F#m (yes oh...)
Solo A B F F A B F F A B F F A# A# F E Verse G D Fights for rights F# Bm Everyone's oh so quick with advice G And when they've all said their piece Gm D It's still you I love D E Now just like
F#m G# D Then, then, then F#m G# D Then, then, then, then, then, yes, yes F#m G# D No, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes G D G#m Mmm...
Outro A B F F A B F F A B F F B

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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