Dolores Duran

Makin' Whoopie

Dolores Duran

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Makin' Whoopie

Written by Gus Kahn and Walter Donaldson

Intro: C Am7 F Fm7 C G7 C G7 

G7       C    Am7         Dm7   G7 
Another bride,   another groom 
         C     C7        F     Fm 
Another sunny      honeymoon 
        C      Am7        Dm7  Bb9 
Another season,  another reason 
     G7      C     Cdim  Dm7  G7 
For makin' whoopee 
G7            C    Am7         Dm7   G7 
You get some shoes,   a little rice 
               C       C7              F     Fm 
The groom's so nervous,   he answers twice 
              C      Am7             Dm7     Bb9 
It's really thrillin'   that he's so willin' 
    G7       C      F  Fm7  C 
For makin' whoopie 


C7               Dm        Dm7+ 
Picture a little love nest 
Dm7            Bb9     C 
Down where the roses cling 
C7                 Dm        Dm+7 
Picture that same love nest 
    Dm7         Bb9       G7 
And see what a year will bring 
G7           C    Am7           Dm7   G7 
He's doin' dishes    and baby clothes 
            C     C7           F     Fm 
He's so ambitious,    he even sews 
               C          Am7                Dm7         Bb9 
Just don't forget, folks,    that's what you get, folks 
     G7       C     Am7 F Fm7  C  G7  C 
For makin' whoopie 

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