Dean Brody

Little Yellow Blanket

Dean Brody

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Little Yellow Blanket

Written by Dean Brody

Hoppers on a dirt road, pollen in the air 
Farmers in the orchard ,on ladders pickin' pears 
		F			C 
Me and you drivin' Grandma's Cadillac 
		C			G					C 
Gonna have a picnic on a yellow blanket in the meadow out back 

F G Honey bees, a little lady bug C Fm Squirrel behind a tree hangin' out with us C G Gonna drink your sweet tea and a little cherry pie Am G C On a little yellow blanket just you and I
C Baby let me hold you, underneath a tree C We can sing some medley, strum a couple strings F C You can have a dip, from my newest cold can C G C Chase you through the holler down into the creek where we can take a bath
F G Honey bees a little lady bug C Fm Squirrel behind a tree hangin' out with us C G Gonna drink your sweet tea and a little cherry pie Am G C On a little yellow blanket just you and I
F C So many things the two of us could do Am G G With that little yellow blanket if we wanted to
F G Honey bees a little lady bug C Fm Squirrel behind a tree hangin' out with us C G Gonna drink a sweet tea and a little cherry pie Am G Am On a little yellow blanket just you and I C G C On a little yellow blanket just you and I

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