Carmen McRae

Give Me The Simple Life

Carmen McRae

cavaco Expert expert


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Give Me The Simple Life

	  		   Em7     A7       D             B7 
I don't believe in frettin' and grievin'; 
C#m5-/7      F#7        Bm    D7 
Why mess around with strife? 
   G        Gm      D            Bm7 
I never was cut out to step and strut out. 
E7           Em7   A7 
Give me the simple life. 
Em7           A7       D         B7 
Some find it pleasant dining on pheasant. 
C#m5-/7       F#7          Bm    D7 
Those things roll off my knife; 
      G          Gm      D           Bm7 
Just serve me tomatoes; and mashed potatoes; 
E7           A7     D 
Give me the simple life. 
  Em7      A7       D 
A cottage small is all I'm after, 
Em7             A7           D 
Not one that's spacious and wide. 
  C#m5-/7     F#7        Bm 
A house that rings with joy and laughter 
        E7        Em7    A7 
And the ones you love inside. 
Em7           A7         D          B7 
Some like the high road, I like the low road, 
C#m5-/7        F#7        Bm    D7 
Free from the care and strife. 
       G          Gm     D         Bm7 
Sounds corny and seedy, but yes, indeedy; 
E7           A7     D 
Give me the simple life. 

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