Abbey Lincoln

When A Man Loves A Woman

Abbey Lincoln

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When A Man Loves A Woman

Written by C. Lewis and A. Wright

	  		Intro:  D A/C# Bm D/A G G/A D A7  

     D           A/C#    Bm               D/A  
When a man loves a woman, can't keep his mind on nothing else  
G               A7             D            A7  
He'd trade the world for a good thing he's found  
         D          A/C# Bm            D/A  
If she's bad he can't see it, she can do no wrong  
G               G/A                  D            G/A  
Turn his back on his best friend if he put her down  
     D             A/C#    Bm          D/A  
When a man loves a woman, spend his very last dime  
G        G/A                D        G/A  
Trying to hold on to what he needs  
          D           A/C#    Bm                   D/A  
He'd give up all his comfort, and sleep out in the rain  
G               G/A                   D    D7  
If she said that's the way it ought to be  
G                   D      D7  
When a man loves a woman,  
G                     D  
I give you everything I've got (yeah)  
G                   D     A/C#     Bm  
Trying to hold on to your precious love  
E7                          G/A  
Baby, please don't treat me bad  
     Eb         Bb/D    Cm                 Eb/Bb  
When a man loves a woman deep down in his soul  
Ab     Ab/Bb            Eb     Ab/Bb  
She can bring him such misery  
       Eb                  Bb/D Cm                       Eb/Bb  
If she's playing him for a fool he's the last one to know  
Ab     Ab/Bb         Eb  Ab/Bb  
Loving eyes can never see  
           Eb           Bb/D     Cm                  Eb/Bb  
Yes, when a man loves a woman, I know exactly how he feels  
Ab            Ab/Bb            Eb  
'Cause, baby, baby, baby, I am a man  
     Eb             Bb/D     Ab/C Ab/Bb  
When a man loves a woman 

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