The Beatles


The Beatles

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Written by Harrison

	  		Intro: F  Eb  G/D  C    

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e|---------------------------------------------------------------- B|-10-12b13r12-10-11-12-12/13------------------------------------- G|---------------------------------------------------------------- D|---------------------------------------------------------------- A|---------------------------------------------------------------- E|----------------------------------------------------------------
C C7+ Something in the way she moves C7 F F/E Attracts me like no other lover D G Am7 G/B Something in the way she woos me Am Am7+ I don't want to leave her now Am7 D7(9) You know I believe, and how F Eb G C C C7+ Somewhere in her smile she knows C7 F F/E That I don't need no other lover D G Am7 G/B Something in her style that shows me Am Am7+ I don't want to leave her now Am7 D7(9) You know I believe, and how F Eb G/D A A A7+ F#m F#m/E You're asking me will my love grow D G A (notes AB-G-Gb-F-E) I don't know, I don't know A A7+ F#m F#m/E You stick around, now it may show D G C (C/B Am7 C/G bass notes: E-D) I don't know, I don't know Solo: C C7M C7 F F/E / D G Am7 G/B / Am Am7+ Am7 D7(9) F Eb G C C C7+ Something in the way she knows C7 F F/E And all I have to do is think of her D G Am7 G/B Something in the things she shows me Am Am7+ I don't want to leave her now Am7 D7(9) You know I believe, and how Final: F Eb G A F Eb G C

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