Scotty Emerick

She Let Herself Go

Scotty Emerick


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She Let Herself Go

Capo on 2nd fret
Intro:  (G)  (D)  (Em)  (D)  (C)  (C)  (D) 
(verse 1) 
I've been (G) dreading this day 
But (D) I've got to (Em) tell her 
That I (C) no longer love her 
She's not the (D) one 
Cause there's (G) no perfect way 
To (D) let her down (Em) easy 
(C) Lettin' her down's easier (D) said than (G) done 
But be(Am)fore I could tell her good(D)bye 
She (Am) saved me the (C/B) trouble of (C) watching her (D) cry 
   She (G) let herself (D/F#) go 
   Str(Em)ong and det(D)ermined 
   To (C) walk out of (C/B) this love 
   (A) Never look (D) back 
   With(G)out a cross (D/F#) word 
   Or (Em) angry instr(D)uction 
   She (C) quietly (C/B) ended the (Am) show 
   She (D) let herself (G) go 
I made my (Em) mind up to tell her 
When I (D) came home this morning 
I'm (C) tired of pretending 
It's just draggin' (G) on 
There's a (Em) whole lot of cryin' 
In the (D) heart of a woman 
When she (C) already knew 
She was already (D) gone 
   She (G) let herself (D/F#) go 
   Str(Em)ong and det(D)ermined 
   To (C) walk out of (C/B) this love 
   (A) Never look (D) back 
   With(G)out a cross (D/F#) word 
   Or (Em) angry instr(D)uction 
   She (C) quietly (C/B) ended the (Am) show 
   She (no chord) let herself (G) go 

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