Neil Young

dont be denied

Neil Young

chords Beginner beginner


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dont be denied

	  		Note: Drop D tuning (tune the low E string down 2 frets, 
      or 1 step down to D, use your D string for reference.) 
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Intro/Bridge: Verse: |---9-----7---| |---2----0----0---| |---10----8---| |---3----2----0---| |---9-----7---| |---2----2----0---| |---0-----0---| |---0----2----2---| |---0---------| |--------0----2---| |---0---------| |-------------2---| A* G* D A Em
Intro: A* A* G* (x4) D A D A Em A Em A A* A* G* (x2) Verse 1: D A When I was a young boy, D A Mama said to me, Em A "Son your daddy's left home today, Em A I think he's packed up and gone to stay." D A We packed up all of our bags, D A And traveled up to Winnipeg A* G* (x2) D A When we got to Winnipeg, D A I checked in to school Em A Wore white bucks on my feet, Em A Got to learn about the Golden Rule D A The punches came fast and hard, D A Lying on my back in the schoolyard A* G* (x2) Chorus: D A Don't be denied D A Don't be denied Em A Don't be denied Em A Don't be denied D A Oh, friend of mine D A Don't be denied A* G* (x2) Verse 2: Pretty soon I met a friend, Who played guitar We'd set on the steps at school, And dream of being stars We started a band, We played all night (Chorus) Verse 3: Oh, the business men came around, And they listened to our sound There we were on Sunset strip, Playing songs for the highest bid Oh, we played all night, If the price was right (Chorus) Verse 4: Well, all the glitters isn't gold, I know you heard the story told, And I'm a pauper in a naked disguise, A millionaire through a businessman's eyes Oh, friend of mine Don't be denied (Chorus)

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