Michael Bublé

A song for you

Michael Bublé

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A song for you

Written by Leon Russell

	  		Intro Am9  D9  x 4 
I've been so many places 
in my life and time 
I've sung a lot of songs 
I've made some bad rhyme.   
Fmaj7/9                 C/E   
I've acted my life in stages 
F                                     E7/A    Am7    
with ten thousand people watch - ing   
F                C/E              G4/7            
 but we're alone now and I'm singing my song 
       C   E7/G#      
 for you...   
Am 			        E7/G#    
I know your image of me...is what I hope to be...   
Am/G  			D7/F# 
I've treated you unkindly but girl can't you see   
Fmaj7/9		C2/E   
there's no one more important to me?   
Dm7 			      C/E   
So, darling, can't you see through me?   
F 		  C/E  	         G4/7   
  ?Cause we're alone now and I'm singing my  
	   C     E7/G#    
song for you...   
Am 		  E/G#   	Cmaj7/G   
 You taught me precious secrets,    the truth  
with holding nothing; 
Fmaj7	    G4/7    		   F/C  C  
you came out in front and I was hiding...  
E/G#    E   Am 		 E7/G#    
     Ooh, but now  I'm so much better   
Am/G  		        F#7/5-  
 so if my words don't come together,   
F 	        C/E  	D7  
listen to the melody...?Cause my love's in there hiding...   
Instrumental:| G4/7   F |E7/9-  | 
Trumpet solo:|Bbm |F7/A  |Bb/Ab  |Gm7/5-  | 
	           |Gbmaj7   Db/F    | 
                       |Gbmaj7   Ebm9   Db/F    | 
|Gbmaj7   Db/Ab |Eb/Ab  Db  F7/A  | 
Bbm || 
I love you in a place where there's no space or time...  F7/A   ||x3 
Bb/Ab  ||				   Bb/G   
I love you for my life because you're a friend of mine...   
Gbmaj7	Db/F             Ebm9   
And when my life is over   remember when  
we were together...   
Gbmaj7       Db/F    		    Ebm/Ab   
  we were a-lone now and I was singing my 
 song...for you  
Gbmaj7	Db/F             Ebm9   
And when my life is over   remember when  
     Db/F                Db  
we were together...   
Gbmaj7       Db/F    		    Ebm/Ab   
  we were a-lone now and I was singing my 
	     Bbm9  Eb13  
 song...for you  
Bbm9  Eb13  ad libitum 
End on Bbm9  


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