Merle Haggard

Red Bandana

Merle Haggard


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Red Bandana

Written by Merle Haggard

Capo on 1st fret
	  		By Merle Haggard 
        D                            G    
We left home when we was barely past eleventeen  
     D                                      A  
Been back and fourth and all around through hell and rain 
     D                                           G 
I've loved you half of your life and I?ll keep on lovin? you 
    D                  A                D  
But I can't change and live the way you want me to 
We spend a lot of time out on the highway 
Comin? from some town we played along the way  
After 30 years of knowing me the way you do  
You know I can?t change and live the way you want me to 
Chorus: But babe, 
     A                            D  
That red bandana tied around your auburn hair  
    A                                    D 
You look like you ought to be somebody's wife somewhere 
          D                                           G 
You ain't never going to be no Bobby McGee but you?re tryin? to  
    D                  A                D 
But I can't change and live the way you want me to  
Every time you leave the stage I know you've had your fill  
And I wonder why you grew up and why I never will  
Hey, I'm 41 today still going on 22 
But I can't change and live the way you want me to  
I can't change and live the way you want me to 

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