Bob Dylan

Someday, Baby

Bob Dylan

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Someday, Baby

Written by Gurewitz/Irwin Levine/Túlio Moură


Intro:  A 
I don't care what you do, I don't care what you say, 
                     D                 A 
I don't care where you go, or how long you stay, 
         D                 E         D       A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

Well, you take my money and you turn me out, 
           D                      A 
you fill me up with nothin' but self doubt, 
         D                 E         D       A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

When I was young, driving was my crave, 
               D                A 
you drive me so hard, almost to the grave, 
       D                   E          D      A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

I'm so hard pressed, my mind tied up in knots, 
         D                   A 
I keep recycling the same old thoughts, 
       D      E                      D       A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

So many good things in life that I overlooked, 
                  D                       A 
I don't know what to do now, baby, you got me so hooked, 
       D                    E         D      A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

Well, I don't want to brag, but I'm gonna wring your neck, 
             D                                  A 
when all else fails, I'll make it a matter of self respect, 
        D                   E         D      A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

You can take your clothes, put 'em in a sack, 
                     D                            A 
you're goin' down the road, baby, and you can't come back, 
       D                    E         D      A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

I tried to be friendly, I tried to be kind, 
                            D                             A                          
I'm gonna drive you from your home, just like I was driven from mine, 
       D                    E         D      A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

Living this way ain't a natural thing to do, 
D                     A 
why was I born to love you? 
       D                    E         D      A 
someday, baby, you ain't gonna worry poor me any more. 

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